Flagstaff, Texas- Recent mother of twins Bailey Hunter, 22, conceived her children when the father said that he "couldn't feel it" when he wore a condom during intercourse. "Hell yeah I believed him, it is a tricky little rubber thing, I didn't want to make him feel left out, the poor thing," said Bailey. "He's got those big sad eyes, I couldn't see him cry."
Much to Bailey's surprise, this is a myth. We caught up with the father, who wants to remain anonymous, and asked him to comment on the difference between wearing a condom versus not wearing one. "There's a slight difference I guess, I probably just told her that because I didn't want to have to go get one....Who is this girl you're talking about again?" When informed of Bailey's condition, the father bolted into the nearby woods, never to be seen again.
Bailey was not on birth control when she became pregnant. "I don't want no doctors touching me, and I'd have to get a prescription for them little pills. I probably wouldn't remember to take them anyways," Bailey said with a laugh.
Upon asking if she was in the habit of having unprotected sex, Bailey said, "Well shoot, I thought I smoked and drank too much to get preggers. Guess I was wrong!" Her twins, Veronica and Peter, started crying and she shouted for them to "shut their yappers." "I shouldn't be a momma, but the Lord gave 'em to me, so I should put up with them."
We conducted a survey of women ages 16 to 25 to see how many women actually made concessions similar to Bailey's when deciding whether or not to use a condom. A majority, 65%, said they had given similar leeway to men in the past, and an overwhelming majority, 99%, of this group have conceived as a result of this decision.
There are many other myths that have permeated the market, such as, "I can't get an erection with a condom," "My balls fall off if I wear a condom," and "A black hole opens up within the earth's core and everyone you love falls into a fiery pit of doom...if I wear a condom." The National Institute of Health has stated that all of these statements are false, and if believed will mostly likely result in pregnancy, a sexually transmitted disease, or a skin rash from stray semen.
To further awareness, many college campuses have created slogans such as, "Rubber or No Dice Brother," "Wrap it or Slap it," and "I Condemn You Without a Condom." These are often sold in campus bookstores on everything from bumper stickers, wristbands, hats, t-shirts, flags, notebooks, and yup, you guessed it-condoms.
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