Sunday, February 24, 2013


I thought to myself, "What is an extreme creature, that roams the wild with crazed eyes, desperation, and self-righteousness?" I came to the conclusion that EXTREME COUPONERS deserved the spotlight in all their jittery, obsessive compulsive glory. These creatures demand control, and believe they deserve everything for free. If the scales are not tipped in their favor, they're bound to lose whatever dignity they begun with by relentlessly demanding their version of "justice". Note: If an extreme couponer is spotted, make sure to conceal anything that could be mistaken for a coupon. This could mean scrap pieces of paper, newsprint, magazines, plastic cards, or even napkins. If spotted, the extreme couponer WILL approach, usually with aggression, and snatch your items from you. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, do not, I repeat, do NOT resist. It is futile and only angers the creature further to the point where extreme, possibly fatal actions may take shape. It's best to smile and nod if seen or remain indiscernible to their eye.... Happy shopping!

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